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  • USD $43.45
    Discover the potential of ENT Magnets - designed for use in various conditions such as earache, nose problems, eye irritation, cataracts, and more. These magnets are known to be helpful in addressing cold, cough, sneezing, watering, blockage, sinusitis, and goiter. Additionally, they may aid in treating tonsillitis, eye redness, and swelling. Ensure the correct orientation during therapy, with the north pole (red) facing right and the south pole (blue) facing left for optimal effectiveness. Explore the benefits of ENT Magnets for targeted relief.
  • USD $161.80
    Premier Magnets are powerful magnets designed with two poles, featuring a North Pole on one side and a South Pole on the other. These magnets are known for their deep penetrating power and are often used in conjunction with other magnetic devices for therapeutic purposes. When combined with the right equipment, Premier Magnets aim to accelerate the curative effect and reduce the duration of treatments. Experience the potential benefits of magnetic therapy with Premier Magnets for various wellness applications.

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