Multi Energy Head Harmonizer

USD $47.85

Discover the natural and safe treatments of the Multi Energy Head Harmonizer. Designed with a head belt that incorporates time-tested methods, including magnets, acupressure, pyramid, and metals therapy. Experience the benefits of bipolar magnets aligned with acupressure meridians, promoting improved metabolic activity, blood circulation, and oxygen levels in each cell. Say goodbye to side effects and embrace the holistic well-being provided by the Multi Energy Head Harmonizer. Elevate your self-care routine with this functional and effective therapy.



Magnetic Eye, Brain, Stress Harmonizer – HBE0102/1

Designed with a combination of Magnetic Therapy, Acupressure and Pyramids to provide natural and safe treatment and total eye relaxation. This functional belt contains bipolar magnets, aligned along acupressure meridians to improve metabolic activity, blood circulation and oxygen level of each cell. In addition, it is also enriched with power pyramids to harmonize cosmic energy and amplify healing properties. Using this newest Multi-Energy belt helps relieve pain, discomfort and also increases energy level and enhances effectiveness.


Valuable in treatment of:

Eye Stress

Far Sightedness

Old Age


Useful after:

TV or Movie

Computer Work



Recommended for:

Computer Professionals




How To Use:

  • Select a comfortable sitting or lying posture
  • Place Magnetic Eye, Brain, Stress Harmonizer on your eyes (eyes closed)
  • Start with 15 minutes whenever needed. Over a period of one month, you can extend the treatment to 30 minutes.
  • In case of discomfort reduce the time and if symptoms persist consult a physician
  • It is also complementary to usual medical care.

Additional information

Dimensions 28.5 × 12.5 × 12.5 cm


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